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SLS President, Sabah AG should be made members of LPQB
30 October 2021 First and foremost I would like to congratulate the Sabah Law Society (SLS) for successfully bringing to the federal...
Set up concrete plans to stop baby dumping if you really care, Zaid tells Muslim leaders
26 Oct 2021 A few days ago, there was a report of a schoolgirl being arrested for throwing away her baby. This form 5 girl threw the baby...
Ambil peluang bina semula kehidupan lebih baik: Vivian
22 Okt 2021 Ahli Parlimen (DAP) Sandakan, Vivian Wong Shir Yee berkata berjuta-juta nyawa hilang di seluruh dunia dan ramai yang turut...
Injecting “religion” into every narrative leads to dangerous road of divisiveness - Rafidah Aziz
21 Oct 2021 It is so upsetting to hear and read about how warped mindsets amongst some people can trigger unnecessary problems, and leave...
Bila maruah tergadai
19 Okt 2021 Bila maruah terhakis tipis, tiada lagi tonggak peribadi, untuk menjadi benteng asakan dugaan disekeliling diri. Bila tamak...
To explain meaning of democracy, equality, fairness and justice, fix issues first – Zaid Ibrahim
19 Oct 2021 The National Unity Ministry was established in 1973. I remember fondly its first minister, Napsiah Omar. Napsiah was, in my...
SIS petition hearing on judicial review by Shariah High Courts concluded
15 Oct 2021 On 12th October 2021, the Federal Court heard the petition by Sisters in Islam (SIS) challenging the validity of Section 66A...
Govt’s new committees reflect its pathetic inability to make wise decisions on important issues
12 Oct 2021 Prime Minister has announced the formation of three committees. One to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the death...
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