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500 mangrove saplings planted by volunteers in Kota Belud

Wartawan Nabalu News

28 January 2022

By Wartawan Nabalu News

KOTA KINABALU: Some 500 mangrove saplings have been planted by 51 volunteers from the AEON Credit Service (M) Berhad as part of its annual projects.

The project called ‘Mangrove Tree Planting Project’ held at Lema’as Forest Reserve was jointly organised by AEON Credit, the leading non-bank financial services, and the KK Wetlands Society.

Since 2018, AEON Credit’s volunteers have been actively involved in the annual project, notwithstanding the last two years due to the Movement Control Order (“MCO”).

Spokesperson of AEON Credit via a press release said until the last project in 2019, its volunteers in Sabah had planted 400 mangrove saplings together with the KK Wetlands Society.

“This year, the project saw 500 mangrove saplings planted at Lema’as Forest Reserve, which is a Class V Mangrove Forest Reserve located here, in an effort to conserve the state’s biodiversity while improving the quality of the natural environment and rivers,” said the statement.

AEON Credit also mentioned that by working together on this project, the Group is able to preserve and conserve the country's natural biodiversity, including the mangrove reserve.

“AEON Credit understands that the marine swamp forest is essential because of its function as a wave erosion fort and nursery for the breeding of marine life, and it also has the ability as higher carbon storage than other lowland forest types.

“As a company that cares about environmental sustainability, AEON Credit has always encouraged its staff to play a role in taking care of the environment. Other than the project in Sabah, AEON Credit’s volunteers had, in 2019, planted 1000 endangered forest tree species in Sabal Forest Reserve located in Kuching, Sarawak.”

Since 2018, the company has also been actively conducting coastal clean-up activities and to date, the Group’s volunteers consist of its own employees have managed to clear more than 20 tons of rubbish to protect the sea life.

“AEON Credit believes that by continuously adhering to the Environmental, Social, and Governance standards adopted by the Group, it can continue to bring immense value to not only the local communities but also to the environment alike.”




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