Don’t jeopardise chance to get anti-hopping law passed in Parliament, Warisan told

3 April 2022
By Wartawan Nabalu News
KOTA KINABALU: Warisan leaders are urged to not jeopardise the chance to get the Anti-Hopping Law tabled and passed in Parliament on April 11 by “demonising” the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) inked by Pakatan Harapan (PH) and the government.
DAP CEC member cum Kota Kinabalu MP Chan Foong Hin asserted that the government wouldn’t have had the anti-hopping bill placed high on the government’s agenda and even be brought to cabinet if it’s not for the MoU.
“Without the MoU, the anti-hopping law is a non-starter, (Prime Minister Datuk Seri) Ismail Sabri’s government won’t even think of bringing an anti-hopping law.
“De facto Law Minister Wan Junaidi's recent statements clearly exhibited how difficult to get the anti-hopping law tabled as there was resistance even within Ismail Sabri’s cabinet,” he said in a statement today.
Chan slammed the party for making “baseless allegations” against DAP and PH, among them is alleging that the MoU is signed for funding.
“It is not like how Warisan described it - only for funding, funding, funding. The constituency allocation is not for PH MPs’ personal use. It goes back to Rakyat.
“E-Kasih recipients, B40, schools, mosques, temples are among the beneficiaries. Why should we deny the rights of oppositions constituents?”
Chan also asserted that the MoU is to ensure political stability in Malaysia and that the people should not be the victim of instability within the ruling party, and that it was never kept secret since it is available on the Malaysian Parliament's website.
“Clearly, the raison d'etre of the MoU is to prevent continuous political instability by having a bipartisan understanding whilst delaying the dissolution of Parliament till after the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic becomes better than a general election can be held without risking the health of Malaysians.”