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Momogun encouraged to learn English

18 September 2024


PENAMPANG: Knowing the English language is important as it serves as a global lingua franca, facilitating communication across diverse cultures and nations. Proficiency in English enhances access to a wealth of information, educational resources and professional opportunities in an increasingly interconnected world.

Additionally, it allows individuals to engage in international discourse, fostering collaboration and understanding in various fields.

Datuk John Maluda, Deputy President of the Momogun National Congress (MNC), highlighted these when he presented an overview of the Momogun Economic Transformation Agenda (META) highlighting strategic plans and initiatives designed to enhance economic opportunities and development for the Momogun people. Among others, he stressed the importance of the English language.

“The English language is a language of knowledge. And knowledge is power. All past, present, and future knowledge are/will be written in this language. Even those works of knowledge first written in another language are soon translated into English for it is only in this language that it can have worldwide appeal. Thus, being proficient in this language is akin to having the key to a vast room of knowledge,” he said when he presented his talk during the “Momogun Development Agenda Discussions” held recently.

“At a personal level, a Malaysian with a good command of the language has better employment prospects, especially in the private sector. Foreign firms which normally provide more lucrative employment opportunities than local companies, have distinct preferences for prospective employees who can communicate well in this language,” he stated.

“A knowledgeable person usually displays a high level of confidence and is not afraid to venture into the far corners of the world looking for business/employment opportunities. Their mindset is also amenable to change to suit their present realities. Thus, they are more resilient and possess a high sense of worth and empowerment. These people tend to stand above the crowd in any situation.”

Since the change in Education policy some 40 years ago which saw English being replaced by Bahasa Melayu as the medium of instruction in schools, the standard of English among Sabahans has declined tremendously, especially in the rural areas where the vast majority of the Momoguns are found. For the Momoguns to compete effectively on the economic front, its community members must have a high command of the English language, according to him

The greatest challenge presently is how to make young Momoguns students like the English language in the face of perceived difficulty in learning the language which is not made easier by the lack of qualified and experienced English teachers and the “uselessness” of the language in their daily discourse as a student.

In summary, all Momoguns must attain a strong command of the English language, as this proficiency will enable them to secure gainful and lucrative employment opportunities.

Furthermore, it provides access to a vast and up-to-date pool of knowledge, given that much of the world's information is documented in English. Most importantly, the knowledge gained through English proficiency can broaden one’s worldview and significantly contribute to a positive shift in mindset, he stressed.

The MNC event was attended by some 110 people from 61 ethnic groups.


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