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Questions to the government ahead of parliament reconvening

Rafidah Aziz

21 July 2021

Since the Prime Minister is not heeding the YDP Agong's call for speedy reconvening of parliament and it looks like the "Political Emergency" will continue to constrain the democratic processes that are symbolised and effected by the people's chamber ie. the Dewan Rakyat (not the Prime Minister's or MPs' Chambers), I would like to simulate here a "people's chamber" question.

And I hope there will be answers forthcoming and not the sickening "kita akan kaji" or "kita akan jawab kemudian cara bertulis " or worse still, to give totally off tangent answers.

Question 1: Addressed to my ex-student in university, the Prime Minister himself.

Can the Prime Minister please let us know what exactly have the 70 plus Cabinet members been assigned to do to help manage the pandemic, especially in the area of effective online engagement with their relevant stakeholders?

How many dialogues and discussions have each minister had during the long lockdown free time?

And is the Prime Minister asking for reports on how each ministry and Agency under its purview will operate in the new normal and the new environment, post-Covid?

(That will test whether ministers were simply dormant or are working to help the country recover.

Question 2: Will the finance minister and the government table for public information comprehensive reports on how public monies have been spent (and sanctioned by whom and through what processes?)

In particular, the billions spent so far for the various "packages" ( Sorry, I cannot remember the many acronyms!). Please itemise the detail, amounts and the target groups, as well as what impact have there been.

Question 3: Can the finance minister update us on the total public debt as of 15 July 2021?

How much has the government borrowed during the pandemic period so far? How much of the national trust fund has been used, and for what purposes? How much EPF subscriptions have been withdrawn by subscribers and how many have less than RM1,000 left in their EPF accounts for their retirement or post 75 years of age life?

Has an impact study been done on the effectiveness of each of the "packages" in really helping recipients over the longer term? (The contents of a food basket, may not even last a week, for most families!)

And can the Finance Minister explain what are the measures already in place to revive the economy and sustain socio-economic growth with positive spinoffs and meaningful spread impact on the vulnerable sectors of society and sectors?

Can the Finance Minister explain if there is already a plan to ensure Malaysia's competitiveness in the regional and global markets and that Malaysia can regain the confidence of investors, both local and foreign? (Beyond the investment in the stock market etc.)

Question 4: Can the 2 ministers of education explain what measures have already been planned, for delivery of education in the "new normal" environment, such as Retraining of teachers, reformatting educational content, modes of delivery, and effective evaluation of student's performance at all levels and in all areas? So that we continue to be benchmarked against global standards and criteria, and meeting market imperatives and demands?

And when will the public have access to the reports of such Evaluation (if any has actually been thought of)?

Question 5: To all other ministers, when will the respective ministries submit to the public (in lieu of tabling to the still closed up Dewan Rakyat!) on what new policies/initiatives will be implemented by the time Covid-19 can be managed?

(OR have ministers not utilised the lockdown free time, to actually work to seriously think about those vital issues?)

This is to clear some concerns, that many ministers are not doing anything at all especially in addressing the issues faced by their respective stakeholders in society and in the economy.

Question 6: Will the relevant ministers, especially with portfolios directly involve in society's welfare, mental health, and the most vulnerable in society?

Please explain how they are addressing and managing the various and serious impacts of the Covid pandemic and the attendant as well as ensuing problems. And what measures are being implemented in moving forward eg.

With all the extreme stresses faced by the rakyat, from children to adults, resulting from loss of incomes and livelihoods, despair in the inability to provide for their families, and basically, the disruptions to their lives. (Please exclude little hampers with YBs' photos on the packets).

I do have supplementary questions but I will ask them when we get the answers to the questions just asked of the PM and a few ministers.


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