Sabahan parents relieved their teen kids are vaccinated against Covid-19

19 Sept 2021
By Ilona Andrew and Jacquline Ebit
KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah Government's announcement that the vaccination drive for adolescents aged 12-17 years would begin on Sept 16 was music to the ears of many parents in Sabah who had been waiting to get their teen kids protected against Covid-19.
Although his 14-year-old kid is diagnosed with mild autism, it does not stop Brendan Ng to get his son Seth Bryan Ng inoculated.
In fact, he said it was Seth that had been waiting for this moment to come after knowing that his parents and big brother had long been vaccinated.
On Sept 17, Seth and his parents arrived at the KDCA Hall vaccination centre in Penampang. In there, he kept asking when his turn would arrive while he was still waiting in line, no longer able to hide his excitement.
"Truthfully, we as his parents were worried if the vaccine would further disturb his body system since he is autistic, but at the same time, we need him to be protected against Covid-19.
"My whole family have been vaccinated and neither of us experienced severe side effects. The side effects were very minimal, so we figured that the vaccine should be safe.
"We had asked other fellow parents who had gotten their kids vaccinated as well and all of them told us that their kids were okay. After all, schools are reopening soon and would require students to be vaccinated," he said when contacted by Nabalu News, today.

According to Brendan, when Seth was receiving the jab, he was amazingly calm and relaxed. "Us parents were the ones who felt nervous seeing him getting the jab," he chimed.
For post-vaccination care, Brendan said he has reminded Seth to not be too physically active since he likes running and dancing. At the same time, he and his wife made sure to closely monitor Seth by constantly checking his blood pressure and body temperature.
"We also served him honey lemon and berry drinks as well as Vitamin C as additional health supplements to ensure his body immunity remains strong. We will continue to monitor him until the 14th day of his post-vaccination."
Brendan also mentioned that he has explained to Seth about the current pandemic situation by educating him about the virus, reasons why lockdowns must be implemented as well as the importance of getting vaccinated.
"As he is a non-typical child, we show photos and illustrations to make him understand better the current situation that we are facing, and he understands it really well.
"Seth is very rigid and strict when it comes to following rules; he fully complies with the preventive measures and makes sure to maintain his personal hygiene," said Brendan who hailed from Membakut.
As someone who works as a health frontliner, 42-year-old nurse Rosmariah who works for the National Kidney Foundation said getting her 14-year-old daughter vaccinated against the coronavirus was her priority.

"I am concerned for the safety and health of my children as the demands of my job make me vulnerable to the virus. By vaccinating my teen child at the very least, I am no longer worried and will be more confident about their health and safety when I come home from work.
"After all, schools will also reopen soon and we won't be too sure if the kids would properly practice the standard operating procedures (SOPs) or social distancing at school," she said.
It is also the parents' initiative and responsibility to ensure that their children have strong resistance to Covid-19 so that they are not easily infected, he added.
"Children have not been able to make decisions for themselves so the role of the parents is very important. In this matter, getting vaccinated is crucial at this moment to help curb the virus.
"If parents can be vaccinated, why wouldn't they let their kids be vaccinated? Therefore, I urge parents out there to get their kids vaccinated."
According to Rosmariah, the only side effect experienced by her daughter after the vaccination was numbness at the injection area and nothing more.

For Roselind Pius, 47, knowing that her 17-year-old daughter who soon will return to physical school sessions is now protected against Covid-19, is a sigh of relief that every mother would understand.
"My kids' health is of the utmost importance and the Covid-19 vaccination gives us a sense of relief that we would be protected against the virus," she said.
She explained that her daughter only experienced mild side effects after the vaccine such as dizziness, drowsiness and lethargy.
"But after popping Panadol (pain relief medication) within two to three days, her side effects subsided. She did not experience any severe side effects," she revealed.
Roselind also expressed hope that parents would set aside the worries of getting their teen kids safe as it is so far the best way to fight Covid-19.
"Children need to be vaccinated because it can help control the Covid-19 transmission so that we could go back to our normal lives before the pandemic took over."

Meanwhile, Lina Bingkuan revealed that her prayer was answered when the State Government announced that individuals aged 12 to 17 years can be vaccinated.
Her kids Luke Hanson, 12; Azach Hazron, 13; and Javier Isaac, 14; were among the first teenagers in Sabah to be immunised as they went for the jab on the very first day of the programme on Sept 16.
"Besides making sure they are protected, it is important to get their vaccines so that they can return to school. Online studies have honestly been ineffective.
"For parents who are worried, just remember that this could be one of God's ways to get our kids safe and protected.
"Millions of people are praying for miracles of ridding the virus - this could be it. So why not get your teen kids vaccinated?"
According to Lina, her kids did not experience any side effects other than slight pain on the injection site after the vaccination.