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22 OKTOBER 2020

KUCHING: The Sarawak Economic Planning Unit and state Tourism, Arts and Culture Ministry are conducting a joint third Sarawak Tourism Master Plan 2020 – 2035 study to chart the way forward for the tourism industry to recover from the impact of Covid-19.

Sarawak Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister, Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah said yesterday that the master plan will identify new business models and strategies for both the demand and supply side of the tourism industry.

“From the master plan, we will be able to identify and develop strategic directions and an action plan to spur both immediate and long-term growth, encourage innovation and allow existing tourism operators and potential investors to identify business ventures, in particular through public-private partnership.

“We will make sure that tourism development will benefit not only the corporate sector, but also the public by involving them in the community-based tourism, arts and culture industry,” he said at the launching of the Regional Specific Tourist Guide (RSTG) Kuching 2020 Intake here.

He said public and private sector industry experts and players will be involved in drafting the master plan to ensure its successful implementation as the state government has identified tourism as one of the important economic sectors in the state.

Abdul Karim said in drafting the master plan, those involved will be guided by Sarawak’s Tourism Aspiration 2030 to become a leading destination for eco-tourism and business events in the Asean region.

He said the Covid-19 outbreak has caused some concerns, especially for the “Sarawak More To Discover” campaign tag lined “Rediscover Yourself in Sarawak” which is targeting the domestic market, and his ministry has been reviewing its marketing strategies.

“This includes turning the promotional and marketing initiatives to domestic tourism by launching the Sia Sitok Sarawak tour packages to encourage more locals to choose Sarawak as their preferred holiday destination, as well as to boost the local tourism industry,” he said. - Bernama




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