SMK Kudat receives BM, Sejarah modules from YaPEIM

19 January, 2023
By Wartawan Nabalu News
KUDAT: A total of 193 SMK Kudat SPM candidates received Bahasa Melayu and Sejarah modules from the Malaysian Islamic Economy Development Foundation (YaPEIM) yesterday.
The modules were handed over to the school during the launching of the YaPEIM Module Workshop held at the school hall yesterday.
The modules were prepared by the Foundation to help students further strengthen their knowledge before sitting for the SPM examination which will be held starting Feb 20.

According to YaPEIM, SMK Kudat was selected to receive the modules following a suggestion by the Kudat District Education Office (PPD Kudat).
During the handover ceremony yesterday, three teachers from different schools were mobilised to conduct SPM workshops for the students.
As part of the Foundation’s Education Inspiration programme, a counselling teacher was also invited to conduct a motivation talk session for the candidates.
Also present during the ceremony were YaPEIM Sabah Manager Murzianah Arif and her delegates, PPD Kudat School Improvement Specialist Coach Aidah Abu Bakar and her delegates, as well as SMK Kudat Principal Roseberth @ Mohammad Jalilul.