Wartawan Nabalu News
Tekun Nasional Telupid Helps 819 Entrepreneurs with RM18.73 Million in Funding
5 January 2024
By Wartawan Nabalu News
TELUPID: The Telupid branch of Tekun Nasional has successfully assisted 819 entrepreneurs in the district, Minister of Entrepreneurship and Cooperatives Development Datuk Ewon Benedick said. These entrepreneurs received a total of RM18,733,819.73 million in funding from January 2002 to December 2023.
He said, out of that number, 249 entrepreneurs received funding totaling RM12,617,000 from April to December last year.
"To date, Tekun Telupid branch has produced a total of 819 entrepreneurs since this office was established here with a total funding of RM18.7 million.
"This is a large amount and I am very confident that it has helped to further improve the economy of the entrepreneurs and stimulate further economic activities in this district," he said.
He said this when met by reporters after holding a meeting with Tekun entrepreneurs around Telupid Town, here, today.
Also present were Sabah State TEKUN Manager Hemin Osumping, TEKUN National Trust Board Member Rowindy Lawrence, Telupid Branch Acting TEKUN Manager Rozita Tiara Marium and community leaders of this district.
Regarding the meeting with Tekun Telupid entrepreneurs, Ewon said, various suggestions have been received including the need for additional staff at the Tekun Telupid Office to further speed up the affairs of the entrepreneurs.
"During my meeting with Kekun entrepreneurs today, I heard some of their suggestions including the filling or addition of office staff and I understand that they will be filled next month.
"I hope this (increase in staff) will provide better services to entrepreneurs in this district," he said.
So far the Tekun Telupid branch office only has two staff, namely a manager and an assistant officer.
When asked about the new programme to be implemented by his ministry this year, Ewon said, he will launch the Tourism Cooperative Stimulus Package and Rural Guest Project.
"I am very confident that we can generate the interest of the people in cooperatives, especially those involved in tourism activities with additional initiatives that will be implemented this year.
"Apart from that, we will also start the construction of village stalls under the Tamu Desa Project of which RM20 million has been allocated under the 2024 Budget specifically for Sabah and Sarawak.
"I believe these new initiatives will provide benefits to cooperatives involved in the tourism sector across the country and also to entrepreneurs as a whole.
Regarding the performance of cooperatives last year, Ewon said, for the first time, the registration of cooperatives across the country has almost doubled compared to previous years.
"Throughout last year, 1,001 new cooperatives were registered. This is the highest record of cooperative registration we have ever achieved compared to the previous one which averages around 600 every year.
"This almost two-fold increase is the result of the ministry's efforts through the Malaysian Cooperative Commission (SKM) to implement the Cooperative Popularisation Programme throughout the country," he said. Out of the total number of entrepreneurs assisted, 249 received funding amounting to RM12,617,000 from April to December of the previous year.