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Where's the Covid-19 report that causes Parliament closure, asks DAP senator

Nur Syafiqah Abdullah

3 Aug 2021

By Nur Syafiqah Abdullah

KOTA KINABALU: DAP Senator Adrian Lasimbang has demanded that the Ministry of Health (MoH) disclose the official report of Covid-19 cases in the Parliament building which has caused the postponement of the special Parliamentary sitting.

He said, up to this day the information has not been disclosed although the ministry has been urged repeatedly.

"It has only been the unsupported statement with no evidence which makes it seem like an excuse the Government uses to not answer the questions posed by the members of Parliament (MPs).

"The law minister has promised to answer all the questions on Monday but Parliament was closed instead," he said.

Due to the closure, MPs from the Opposition have on Monday gathered at Dataran Merdeka demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin after they were blocked by the authorities from entering the building.

"Why not just let the MPs enter the office and meeting room in the building if they don't want to hold the sitting. Just lock the Dewan Rakyat but don't stop MPs from coming in for work.

"Preventing the MPs from entering the building was just a desperate tactic that was used to blame the Opposition for violating the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

"But didn't you (referring to the government) think that closing the parliament would cause all that to happen?

"It's the same that happened to the Sabah Election when they were "catching frogs". Didn't they think that the government would be dissolved, which would then force for an election during the pandemic?"

According to Adrian, the Opposition MPs are quite clear of the disaster that could happen if the Parliament is dissolved and would force for an election, and this is what they want to avoid.

"The best channel is through the Dewan Rakyat. If the PN Government still has the majority as stated by the Prime Minister, what is there to be afraid of?

"It seems like they are busted... Violating the law and the legislative regulations that have brought crisis towards the constitution which go against the Rukun Negara.

"But they still refused to admit (their fault). In fact, they enhanced the works of their cyber troopers and JKOM in an attempt to keep confusing the rakyat."

Earlier today, 16 senators including Adrian have handed over a memorandum to the Yang Dipertua Dewan Negara Tan Sri Rais Yatim to make an immediate decision on the postpone of Senate sitting.




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